Врсте хидрауличних арматура
1) НПТФ конусни навој адаптер
Опис: Ово је суви заптивни навој; То је домаћи конусни цевни навој за транспорт мазута. Може се користити за оба краја спољног навоја опрема и крај унутрашњег навоја опрема. NPTF external threads can be fitted with NPTF, NPSF or NPSM internal threads. NPTF fittings are similar to BSPT fittings but not interchangeable. Most sizes of threads have different pitch and profile Angle of 60°, whereas BSPT threads have profile Angle of 55°.
2)JIC37° taper Angle internal thread адаптер
Description: 37° Cone Angle (JIC) The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) specifies that 37° cone Angle or cone holder can be used for high pressure hydraulic pipelines. This type of адаптер се често назива ЈИЦ адаптер. JIC external thread is straight thread can only be matched with JIC internal thread, JIC external thread is straight thread, and has a 37°cone seat surface, JIC internal thread is straight thread, and has a 37° cone seat surface. The seal is formed at the 37° cone seat surface. Some sizes of thread are the same as SAE45° cone thread. The cone Angle should be carefully measured to distinguish.
3)SAE 45° taper male thread adapter
Description: SAE(45° Cone Angle) This is the term used for pipe joints with a 45° cone Angle or cone seat. Soft copper pipes usually use this joint because the material can be easily machined to a 45° Angle. This joint is suitable for low pressure applications such as fuel lines and refrigeration lines. SAE 45° taper external thread can only be matched with SAE 45° taper internal thread. SAE external threads are straight threads with 45° taper seat. SAE internal threads are also straight threads and have a 45° taper mount. The seal is formed at the 45° cone seat surface. Some sizes of thread are the same as SEA 37° taper thread. The cone Angle should be carefully measured for zone running.
4) О-прстен за заптивање спољашњег навоја адаптер
Напомена: спољни навој крајњег заптивача О-прстена може се ускладити само са унутрашњим навојем крајњег заптивача О-прстена, спољни навој је раван навој са О-прстеном; Унутрашњи навој је раван навој са заптивним крајњим делом, спољни навој је запечаћен на О-прстену, а унутрашњи навој је запечаћен на заптивном крају.